Vid tester hos Planteforsk i Norge satte man ut infekterade plantor i 12 växthus. Med BioBox (kallad BMT Biofilter) överlevde alla plantor i försöket (även de infekterade) medan med de andra metoderna dog samtliga plantor. Nedan återger vi en engelsk översättning av resultatet, en PDF fil finns även för nedladdning. Med BioBox får Du ett friskare växthus.
Test of BioBox Biofilter (BMT)
The Norwegian Crop Research Institute
Test on Phythium aphanidermatum
Test Method
Cucumbers, Cucumus sativus L. ‘Venture’ were grown and infected with Phythium
aphanidermatum. A total of 12 different set ups were used. Comprehending 10
different treatments to stop the infection, plus 1 uninfected and 1 infected but not
treated set up. In each set up 40 plants were grown for 10 weeks, 8 weeks from the
time of infection.
The treatments tested were:
1. Biological filter with rock
2. BioBox Biofilter (BMT)
3. UV/Ozon (APC Vortex)
4. Agral 20 ppm, added when necessary
5. Agral 20 ppm twice per week
6. Agral 20 ppm once per week
7. Biodux
8. Biodux 20 ppm twice per week
9. Biodux 20 ppm once a week.
10. Tensides for cleaning of greenhouses 20 ppm twice per week
11. Check (no treatment and no infection)
12 Infected but not treated.
As can be seen, no plants died in the set up that used the BioBox BMT Biofilter. All the
infected plants died in all the other setups, except for the uninfected setup.
Test on Melon necrotic spot carmovirus, MNSC
Test method
Cucumbers, cucumus sativus L. ‘Venture’, were grown and infected with Melon
necrotic spot carmovirus by the vector Olpidium radicale. A total of 6 different setups
were used. Comprehending 4 different treatments to stop the infection, plus 1
uninfected and 1 infected but not treated setup. In each setup 40 plants were grown
for 10 weeks. 8 weeks from the time of infection.
The treatments tested were:
1. BioBox BMT Biofilter
2. UV/Ozon (APC Vortex)
3. Agral 20 ppm twice per week
4. Biodux 20 ppm twice per week
5. Check (no treatment and no infection)
6. Infected but not treated.
Figure 3: A schematic drawing showing the setup of the test on MNSC.
The results show that the BioBox BMT Biofilter, to a great extent, prevented the infection to
spread to the row without the infected plants (table 2). The results also show that the
total harvest was highest in the setup using the BioBox BMT Biofilter. Significantly higher
than the setup using UV + ozone (figure4).
Figure 4: The total harvest from the different setups. LSD (0.5) shows a significant
difference between the treatments.
I testen som utfördes av Planteforsk var flödet genom biofiltret betydligt högre än i dagens
BioBox. RaaTec ville förbättra funktionen ytterliggare och tog då notis av testen och sänkte
flödet rejält och ökade volymen av aktivt reningsmaterial.
Följden blev en BioBox med ytterligare förbättrad verkningsgrad.
To obtain the original report
The original report, which is written in Norwegian, can be obtained from:
The Norwegian Crop Research Institute
Postvegen 213
NO-4353 Klepp ST
Telephone: +47-51 78 98 00
Fax: +47-51 78 98 01